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Cancer Breakthrough: Suppressing Cancer Stem Cells

The new understanding about the role that cancer stem cells play in both the initiation of cancer and cancer metastasis is an exciting scientific breakthrough in cancer therapy. Therapies that target cancer stem cells will revolutionize cancer therapy. In the first section of this article, I will discuss what cancer stem cells are, and the role they play in the initiation of cancer and the development of cancer metastasis (spreading). In the second section, I will discuss anti-inflammatory therapies that suppress cancer stem cell activity and allow the body to heal.Every type of tissue and organ contains a few stem cells. Stem cells are immature or undeveloped cells that normally remain dormant. However, when tissues are damaged, stem cells are activated and begin to produce new cells (called daughter cells) which can develop into whatever type of cell is needed. For example, if you get cut, local stem cells are activated, producing daughter cells which develop into new skin cells to heal the wound.

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